Wednesday, October 31, 2018

An Isolated Incident by Emily Maguire

An Isolated Incident by Emily Maguire

This book will forever hold a special place in my heart because it's the first ARC I was ever given to review!

This book is good. This book is very good. A murder mystery set in Australia, it's told through the voices of a newspaper reporter and the sister of the victim. The reporter was fine; her chapters were good but the voice that really pulled me in was Chris, the sister of the young woman who was murdered.

I loved reading from Chris's perspective. She's an imperfect person who really doesn't care that you know that about her right off the bat. She does morally questionable things, she doesn't mind using her physical assets to get more tips as a bartender, and she really doesn't care who knows how else she supplements her income. Her life is messy, but her childhood was messier, so she's a success. She's also devoted to protecting her younger sister when things get rocky in their childhood, which is why, when we meet Chris, she is overcome with grief, alternating between depression and rage. She couldn't protect her sister this time.

While I was reading this mystery I got the same feeling that I get when I watch an episode of Dateline. It's chilling, it's harrowing, and you can't look away. It was the perfect book to finish reading on Halloween night. I can't wait to read more by Emily Maguire! Special thanks to Net Galley for the opportunity!

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